

This Institution is a UG college running BAMS course and affiliated to Dr. S.R. Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur, recognised by CCIM (Central Council of Indian Medicine) and Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India.
- Administrative wing (312 sq. mtr.)
- Total Area of Lecturer Halls (400 sq. mtr.)
- Auditorium/Seminar Hall (300 sq. mtr.)
- Total Teaching Departments Area (1365 sq. mtr.)
- Central Library (105 sq. mtr.)
- Teaching Pharmacy & Quality Testing Laboratory (100 sq. mtr.)
- Well equipped Hospital with 60 beds. (2200 sq.mts.)
- Well equipped Operation Theater.
- Two separate hostels for boys and girls nearby college campus.
- Sufficient number of Staff Quarters.
- Extremely well equipped Panchkarma Department.
- Herbal Garden of 3000 sq.mts.
- More than 8000 books in library
- Sufficient Play Grounds
The word Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words, Ayur or “ life” and Veda or “Science” therefore it means “Science of Life”. Ayurveda is the ancient system of medicine which originated in India around 5,000 years ago. It is meant for the well being of humanity.
Ayurveda has its own specialities. It believes in the concept of Prakriti i.e. an individual’s unique mind/body constitution of a person which is determined at the moment the conception takes place. In Ayurveda, a person is treated by balancing the inherent three physiological bases named as Doshas: Vata (air/space), Pitta (fire/water) and Kapha (water/earth). Ayurved believes that health is a state of complete equiblibrium of Self, the three Doshas Vata, Pitta, Kapha, the digestive element agni (fire), the seven Dhatus (Tissues) i.e. Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja and Shukra), the proper removal of three waste products urine (Mootra), faeces (Purish) and sweat (Sveda).
The imbalance in all above mentioned basic factors causes diseases in humanity and to heal them to balance by a systematic process of therapy which includes Ayurved medication and special procedures as Panchkarma, Ksharsutra, Agnikarma, Jalaukavacharana etc., Vihar (healthy lifestyle habits), Ahar (proper diet), Sadvritta (mental hygiene) etc.